Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Shannon vs Pintrest Round 1

Hello All!
It has been a while since I last posted but to be completely honest I have never been so busy!  Working three jobs has taken up most of my spare time. 
Although I did manage to hit up the Eric Church concert (which I might add was AMAZING)
with some friends (The Rathbone's) for some much needed down time.

Anyways as promised way back when I decided to venture into the world of blogging I said that I enjoy challenging Pintrest.  So here is my first official blog attempting a PIN.
I was super excited when this project showed up on my home page and knew I had to attempt it for my front porch. (original blog where I got the idea:

~3 different size pieces of wood cut diagonal at one end
~White and Red acrylic paint
~3 pom poms for the noses
~6 buttons for the eyes
~Thick Christmas themed ribbon
~Glue gun
~Staple gun

I was pretty happy the way that they turned out.
A special thanks to Stephanie and her husband Keith for taking the time to cut the trees for this project!!
Please let me know if you get the chance to ad this project to your Christmas decor ;-)