Monday, August 10, 2015

Our first 5k! What a fun morning

I honestly can't believe we even did it.  Had you asked me a few months ago if I would EVER think of entering any type of race, I would have laughed in your face!  If you read my Blog you would remember in a few posts I mentioned that I was trying to make some lifestyle improvements.  With these improvements I also needed to be held accountable and so I needed to sign up for something with someone that would help me maintain my goal.  So in come Shawna and Danielle who happily signed up and kept me motivated!
Come Friday we were all anxious as we had been slacking over our holidays and were unsure of what we got ourselves into!
Friday morning I headed to Ottawa to check in and pick up our race packs for the next morning, when I got to Wesley Clover Park at 11:45 there were already 70+ people lined up, when I left the park the lineup was almost 3 km long!
That should have been my first inclination as to how busy it was going to be the next day.  Anyways 7:15 came mighty early as we headed back to the park Saturday.  When we got close to the exit we could see the cars lined up down the highway, luckily we were coming in from out of town and got to breeze past all the people waiting from the other side :-)  Once the car was parked and shoes were tied we headed over and joined in the large group of people stretching and dancing.  A 8 am dance party is not something I am use to as we were still sipping our Timmys!  Music pumping, colour packs being thrown around and a DJ starting to count down from 10, we lined up and awaited our turn to take off!  They let heats of 500 go at a time.  We were about the 4th group to take off. As we ran thru the starting line we were sprayed with colourful powder and were headed on a grass like path.  It was very bumpy terrain, not at all what I am use to jogging on!  We jogged for a while (1km) and slowed down to catch our footing as the path worsened.  The ground was very uneven, full of dips and groundhog holes and lined with hay bales (which I am allergic too)  Anyways we still trucked thru!  The path crossed over some gravel paths which helped us to up our speed as we ran thru the different colour stations.  In total it took us 45 minutes to finish the 5k.  We were so excited and proud to be done we celebrated by tossing up our colour packs!  What a great day!  We can't wait until next year as we have a great costume idea and plan on bringing a bunch more people with us!
Below are the pictures that were snapped throughout the race!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

I've got the ITCH!.....The Pintrest ITCH!!!!

I am still giggling over the title of the BLOG!  I can just hear the rumors swirling now ;-)  Anyways as I descend on my second week of holidays I figured I would share some of my pintrest itches that I was able to complete.
I found these few quick and fun ideas as I was searching for ways to spruce up my front porch/yard.  Most of the supplies I either had on hand, found at the dollar store or second hand store.
First up was my tea cup bird feeder. 
Items needed:
Tea cup and saucer (please for the love of God, don't use a family heirloom.....I picked this one up at a second hand store for $2)
Crazy Glue (Dollarama $2)
Bird Seed (Dollarama $2)
Ribbon (I had this kicking around)
Super easy craft or cute gift.  I put crazy glue on the saucer and lay the tea cup, handle up and let it dry.  I then tied the ribbon around the handle and added some seed and found a spot to hang!  That's it! BAM!  Super easy.

Next up is painted rocks:
My Pintrest news feed was flooded with the "suggestion for you" painted rocks.  Very self explanatory....
Supplies needed:
Smooth surfaced rocks (Dollarama $2) or you could pick your own
If you search for designs on Pintrest they will be plentiful.  I plan on painting some more in hopes to have enough to fill a full rock garden by next summer!!

Let me know if you try any of these, I'd love to see some pics
Stay tuned to some more Pintrest crafts I have completed lately!