Tuesday, August 4, 2015

I've got the ITCH!.....The Pintrest ITCH!!!!

I am still giggling over the title of the BLOG!  I can just hear the rumors swirling now ;-)  Anyways as I descend on my second week of holidays I figured I would share some of my pintrest itches that I was able to complete.
I found these few quick and fun ideas as I was searching for ways to spruce up my front porch/yard.  Most of the supplies I either had on hand, found at the dollar store or second hand store.
First up was my tea cup bird feeder. 
Items needed:
Tea cup and saucer (please for the love of God, don't use a family heirloom.....I picked this one up at a second hand store for $2)
Crazy Glue (Dollarama $2)
Bird Seed (Dollarama $2)
Ribbon (I had this kicking around)
Super easy craft or cute gift.  I put crazy glue on the saucer and lay the tea cup, handle up and let it dry.  I then tied the ribbon around the handle and added some seed and found a spot to hang!  That's it! BAM!  Super easy.

Next up is painted rocks:
My Pintrest news feed was flooded with the "suggestion for you" painted rocks.  Very self explanatory....
Supplies needed:
Smooth surfaced rocks (Dollarama $2) or you could pick your own
If you search for designs on Pintrest they will be plentiful.  I plan on painting some more in hopes to have enough to fill a full rock garden by next summer!!

Let me know if you try any of these, I'd love to see some pics
Stay tuned to some more Pintrest crafts I have completed lately!

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